from the Scientific Community
latest features related to 3D active perception.
April 29,
2011: As
a follow-up of the conference entitled "Perception & Action - An
Intredisciplinary Approach to Cognitive Systems Theory", which took
place September 14-16, 2010 at the Santa Fe Institute, NM, USA, key
findings, perspectives and future challenges in the field are presented
and discussed.
** G. Gordon, D.M. Kaplan, B. Lankow, D. Ying-Jeh Little, J. Sherwin,
B.A. Suter and L. Thaler, (2011) Toward
an integrated approach to perception and action: conference report and
future directions; Frontiers
in Systems Neuroscience Vol. 5 Article 20
- February 1, 2011: An active binocular
vision system with saccade and vergence capabilities mimic
fundamental human vision. The combination of saccadic and vergence
mechanisms provides the system a way to explore and reconstruct
positional information of attended objects in the environment.
X. Zhang, A. Phuan Tay, (2011) A binocular vision system with
attentive saccade and spatial variant vergence control; Cybernetics and
Systems 42:45-63(19)
- July
2010: A
persistent question has been whether it is depth cues or depth cues or
depth perception that guides saccades and vergence eye movements. The
study has shown that saccdes and perception combine disparity and
perspective cues to depth in a similar way. Contrary to perception and
saccades, vergence seems dominated by a single cue, binocular
** D.A. Wismeijer, C.J. Erkelens, R. van Ee and M. Wexler, (2010) Depth cue
combination in spontaneous eye movements; Journal
of Vision, vol. 10 no. 6 article 25
- April 26,
2010: The
study aimed at understanding how the estimation of egocentric distance
is affected by exposure to systematic visual alteration the distance
estimation aftereffect of two components: a response to a sustained
results convergence demand onto the oculomotor system, and a response
to an inter-sensory conflict or to a conflict between expected and
actual visual feedback.
**A. E. Priot, R. Laboissiére, O. Sillan, C. Roumes, and C.
Prablanc, (2010) Adaptation
of egocentric distance perception under telestereoscopic viewing within
reaching space;Experimental Brain
Research, 202:825-836
April 24,
2010: The effect of the
interpupillar distance on vergence movements and and their adaptation
to the stimulus.
** A. E. Priot, R. Laboissiére, O. Sillan, C. Roumes, and C.
Prablanc, (2010) Adaptation
of egocentric distance perception under telestereoscopic viewing within
reaching space;Experimental Brain
Research, 202:825-836
April 04,
2010: The interaction
between the mechanisms of decision and attention in parietal neurons
encoding saccade motor commands.
* J. Gottlieb and P. Balan, (2010) Attention
as a decision in information space;Trends in Cognitive
Sciences, 862:1-9
March 03,
2010: A spatially variant
foveation strategy for a uncalibrated active, binocular vision systems.
** J. P. Monaco, A. C. Bovik, L. K. Cormack, (2009) Active,
Foveated, Uncalibrated Stereovision;Int. J. Comput. Vis.
85: 192-207
February 10,
2010: A review on the
perception of small and large disparities and the possible neural
mechanisms used to detect them.
* L. M. Wilcox, and R. S., Allison (2009) Coarse-fine
dichotomies in human stereopsis ;Vis. Res. 42(22):
February 02,
2010: The contribution of
monocularly viewed regions in the perception of the three-dimensional
** J. M. Harris, and L. M. Wilcox, (2009) The
role of monocularly visible regions in depth and surface perception;Vis. Res. 42(22):
January 16, 2010:
overview of paradigms used for studying visual information and reward
processing in the human and monkey oculomotor pathways.
* Trommershäuser, J., Glimcher, P.W., and Gegenfurtner, K.R.,
(2009) Visual
processing, learning and feedback in the primate eye movement system;Trends in Neurosci.
32(11): 583-590
December 10,
2009: The
role of visual information accumulated across recurrent fixations on
the same object.
** Pertzov, Y., Avidan, G., and Zohary, E., (2009) Accumulation
of visual information across multiple fixations; JOV, 9(10), 1-12
November 19,
2009: The
effect of crowding on vision and visually guided grasping is
investigated to measure the spatial resolution of visuomotor behavior.
** P. F. Bulakowski, R. B. Post and D. Whitney, (2009) Visuomotor
crowding: the resolution of grasping in cluttered scenes; Frontiers in
Behavioral Neuroscience, 9(6), 1-7
November 11,
2009: A
simple principle of maximization of total neural response can lead the
brain or any other behaving system to develop sensorimotor feedback
** Y. Wang and B. Shi (2009) Autonomous
Development of Vergence Control Driven by Disparity Energy Neuron
Populations; Neural Computation,
22, 1-22
October 21, 2009:
A simple model
simulates the space-time transformations that occur in the receptive
fields of visual neurons at the time of saccades and predicts many
complex perceptual phenomena.
** P. Binda, G. M. Cicchini, D. C. Burr and C. Morrone (2009) Spatiotemporal
distortion of visual perception at the time of saccades J. Neurosci. 29(42),
August 12, 2009: How is perisaccadic
compression linked to the problem of recovering accurate spatial
representation from distorted retinotopic maps.
** A. Richard, J. Churan, D. E. Guitton and C. C. Pack (2009) The
geometry of perisaccadic visual perception J. Neurosci.
29(32), 10160-10170
August 07, 2009: Visual Cognition:
Volume 17 Issue 6 & 7. Special Issue on Eye
Guidance in Natural Scenes. Avaliable online.
July 13, 2009: In contrast with a
simple common representation for reach planning the authors argue that
the presence of noisy sensory transformations make it advantageous to
represent movement plans simultaneously in multiple reference frames.
** L. M. M. McGuire and P. N. Sabes (2009) Sensory
transformations and the use of multiple reference frames for reach
planning. Nature Neurosci. 12(8), 1056-1063
July 02, 2009: Perisaccadic shift
might be caused by neural representations of eye position or space that
are plastic and that arise from non-motor, extraretinal mechanisms.
This suggests a perceptual system that continuously calibrates itself
in response to changes in oculomotor and muscle systems to reconstruct
a stable percept of the world.
** A. C. Kis, V. W. A. Singh, and M. Niemeier (2009) Short-
and long-term plasticity of eye position information: Examining
perceptual, attentional, and motor influences on perisaccadic
perception; J. Vision. 9(6),
June 18, 2009: Optimal control
methods and neural systems modeling are used to understand the
functional principles of eye-head gaze shifts. A minimum effort rule is
demonstrated to be an important design principle of eye-head motor
** A. A. Kardamakis and A. K. Moschovakis, (2009) Optimal
Control of Gaze Shifts; J. Neurosci. 29,
June 17, 2009: Research paper on the
interplay between the parietal cortex and early visual cortical areas
in achieveing a stable spatial representation related to selective
attention and eye movements.
** Berman R., and Colby C, (2009) Attention
and active vision; Vision Research 43,
June 11, 2009: An ANN model for 3D
visuomotor transformation for reaching that reflects several known
neurophysiological findings, such as gain-field modulations and
position-dependent shifting of RFs.
** Blohm G., Keith G.P., and Crawford J.D. (2009) Decoding
the cortical transformations for visually reaching in 3D space; Cerebral Cortex 19,
June 10, 2009: Research paper on the
role of cortical and subcortical pathways associated to the social gaze
** S.V., Shepherd, J.T., Klein, R.O., Deaner, M.L., Platt, (2009) Mirroring
of attention by neurons in macaque parietal cortex; PNAS 106(23),
May 18, 2009: Poster on the role of
3D visual information, as the surface orientation, on the planning of
eye movements.
** D.A., Wismeijer, R., van Ee, C.J., Erkelens, M., Wexler, (2009) 3D
cue combination in spontaneous eye movements; VSS 09
May 08, 2009: Research paper on the
role of the area V6A and its implication in directing the arm toward
different spatial locations during reach-to-grasp tasks.
* Fattori, P., Breveglieri, R., Marzocchi, N., Filippini, D., R.,
Bosco, A., Galletti, C., (2009) Hand
Orientation during Reach-to-Grasp Movements Modulates Neuronal Activity
in the Medial Posterior Parietal Area V6A; J. Neurosci 29(6),
May 04, 2009: Research paper on the
role of the parietal-occipital junction, the intraparietal sulcus and
the putative human homologue of V6A on pointing tasks in the sagittal
or frontoparallel planes.
** Danckert J., Goldberg L., Broderick C. (2009)
Damage to superior parietal cortex impairs pointing in the sagittal
Exp. Brain Res. 195, 183-191
April 10, 2009: Research paper on the
influence of vertical disparities on the perception of 3D depth. An
explicit encoding of two-dimensional disparity for supporting is
compared against a much more economical encoding that uses purely
horizontal-disparity sensors.
** Serrano-Pedraza I., Read J.C.A. (2009)
Stereo vision requires an explicit encoding of vertical disparity; J. Vision 9(4), 1-13
April 04, 2009: Research paper on the
representation of space within reach of the arm in the parietal cortex
in the macaque and in humans.
** Gallivan J.P., Cavina-Pratesi C., and Culham J.C. (2009)
Is That within Reach? fMRI Reveals That the Human Superior
Parieto-Occipital Cortex Encodes Objects Reachable by the Hand; J. Neurosci. 29,
February 23,
2009: Research
paper on the variation of reliability of binocular information with
eccentricity, as a cue for grasping in 3D.
** Greenwald H.S., and Knill D.C. (2009)
Cue integration outside central fixation: A study of grasping in depth; J.of Vision 9, 1-16.
December 9,
2008: Research paper on
depth cues influencing 3D visual exploration.
** Wexler M., and Ouarti N. (2008) Depth
Affects Where We look. Curr. Biol. 18,
December 8, 2008:
paper on joint disparity and motion cortical coding.
*Neri P., and Levi D.M. (2008) Evidence
for Joint Encoding of Motion and Disparity in Human Visual Perception.
Neurophysiol. 100, 3117-3133.
October 7, 2008: Research
paper on spatial awareness.
*Wolbers T., Hegarty M., Buechel C., and Loomis J.M. (2008) Spatial
updating: how the brain keeps track of changing object locations during
observer motion. Nature Neuroscience
11, 1223 - 1230.
October 2, 2008: Research
paper on the experimental analysis of the differences between
convergence and divergence responses to visual stimuli.
*Lee Y.Y, Chen T., and Alvarez T.L. (2008) Quantitative
Assessment of Divergence Eye Movements. J. of Vision 8,
April 8, 2008: New
Research paper on neural coding mechanisms to retain distance
information about a target for a reaching movement across vergence eye
**Van Pelt S., and Medenport W.P. (2008) Updating
Target Distance Across Eye Movements in Depth.
J. Neurophysiol. 99, 2281-2290.
In particular, the authors refer to the work of Kaiser and Lappe (2004)
on the compression of space around the saccade target, suggesting to
explore whether "similar spatial distortions occur across vergence eye
movements, and if so, whether they have a similar time course".
March 18, 2008: Research
paper on oculomotor feedback alterations of the receptive field
**Hamker F.H., Zirnsak M., Calow D., and Lappe M. (2008) The
Peri-Saccadic Perception of Objects and Space. PLoS Computational
Biology 4(2): e31 doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0040031
March 13, 2008: Research
paper on remapping of visual processing.
**Melcher D. (2008))
Predictive Remapping of Visual Features Precedes Saccadic Eye
Movements. Nature Neuroscience
10, 903-907.
 WEBMASTER: Agostino Gibaldi (UG)