Several articles and other contributions document the attention received from the media by the EYESHOTS project. The EYESHOTS scientific publications are listed in the Publications section.
April 07, 2008: |
Un robot que es "consciente" de su entorno e interacciona con humanos. |
Agencia Sinc |
May 06, 2011: |
Neuroscience applied for robot vision in EYESHOTS. |
Computer Vision Central |
May 10, 2011: |
Aplican la neurociencia a la visiòn artificial. |
Info Ruvid |
May 10, 2011: |
Los robots avanzan para ver como umanos. |
Globopedia |
May 11, 2011: |
Un robot de la UJI que todo lo ve y toca. |
Edicion Impresa |
May 15, 2011: |
Eyeshots. |
Money Monkey |
May 16, 2011: |
A project applies neuroscience to robot vision. |
Alpha Galileo Foundation |
May 16, 2011: |
Applying Neuroscience to Robot Vision. |
Science Daily |
May 16, 2011: |
Applying Neuroscience to Robot Vision. |
Nano Patents and Innovations |
May 17, 2011: |
The robots move like humans to see. |
Science Knowledge |
May 17, 2011: |
Applying neuroscience to robot vision. |
Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence |
May 19, 2011: |
Applying neuroscience to robot vision. |
Robotics Trends |
May 19, 2011: |
Aplican la neurociencia a la visiòn artificial. |
RDI Press |
May 24, 2011: |
Arriva il robot che vede come l’uomo. |
StraNotizia |
June 05, 2011: |
Neuroscience research applied for robot vision in EYESHOTS. |
Computer Vision Central |
June 06, 2011: |
EYESHOTS project delivers tactile solution. |
June 06, 2011: |
EYESHOTS project delivers tactile solution. |
European Commission, Research & Innovation Information Centre |
June 07, 2011: |
EYESHOTS project delivers tactile solution. |
WTM News |
June 07, 2011: |
Artificial brains in action! |
June 08, 2011: |
Il Progetto EYESHOTS fornisce una soluzione tattile. |
Market Press |
June 08, 2011: |
Researchers develop software modules of cortical architectures to enable intentional behaviors in humanoid robots. |
Balkan Business News |
June 08, 2011: |
EYESHOTS-Projekt liefert spürbare Lösung. |
Euzine |
June 09, 2011: |
El proyecto EYESHOTS aplica la neurociencia a la visión artificial. |
Madri+d |
June 11, 2011: |
Proyecto EYESHOTS. |
La Flecha |
June 11, 2011: |
Neuro-robótica leva comportamentos humanos aos robôs. |
Juridico High Tech |
June 14, 2011: |
EYESHOTS: Humanoid Robot Eyes. |
Nano Patents and Innovations |
June 15, 2011: |
Neuro-robótica leva comportamentos humanos aos robôs. |
Legwork Robotics |
June 18, 2011: |
Neuro-robótica leva comportamentos humanos aos robôs. |
Guerrilheiro do Entardecer |
June 22, 2011: |
Cervelli artificiali in azione. |
University of Genova |
June 22, 2011: |
Università di Genova e cervelli artificiali in azione. |
Virgilio |
June 22, 2011: |
Il robot che comprende, guarda e si orienta nello spazio. |
il Secolo XIX |
June 22, 2011: |
L'Università di Genova e i cervelli artificiali in azione. |
Liguria Notizie |
June 23, 2011: |
Super robot "genovese". |
il Corriere Mercantile |
June 23, 2011: |
Dall'Italia il programma per i robot che imparano. |
Scienza & Tecnica |
June 23, 2011: |
Applying Neuroscience to Robot Vision. |
Robot Magazine |
June 23, 2011: |
Un software per l'orientamento dei robot. |
Telecom News Italia |
June 23, 2011: |
È un robot ma guarda, capisce ed interagisce. |
Le Novae |
June 23, 2011: |
L'Università di Genova elabora un software per l'orientamento dei robot. |
Ligura Business Journal |
June 24, 2011: |
L'era dei robot è sempre più vicina. |
Tra Terra e Cielo |
June 24, 2011: |
Dall’Italia il programma per i robot che imparano. |
Kimblo Scienze |
June 24, 2011: |
Dall’Italia il programma per i robot che imparano. |
Fatti Italiani |
June 24, 2011: |
Dall’Italia il programma per i robot che imparano. |
Articolo Tre |
June 24, 2011: |
Neuroscience Gives Robots Sense of Sight. |
Circuit Mart |
June 24, 2011: |
Neuroscience Gives Robots Sense of Sight. |
IPC Outlook |
June 29, 2011: |
Robot che imparano: la nuova sfida dei ricercatori italiani. |
Tecnici |
June 29, 2011: |
A project applies neuroscience
to robot vision. |
EU Book Shop |
July 12, 2011: |
Los robots avanzan para ver como umanos. |
El Observador Mexico |
 WEBMASTER: Agostino Gibaldi (UG)