& Events
events, call for papers, news and updates.
13, 2011: Call for Paper - 1st IEEE
Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Robot Perception
Barcelona (Spain) November 12, 2011. In conjunction with the 13th
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2011). Deadline for
contributed papers: July 1, 2011.
30, 2011: Call for Paper
- Journal of
Robotics - Special Issue on "Cognitive and Neural Aspects in Robotics
with Applications 2011". Paper submission
deadline: June 1, 2011. Guest Editors:
Noriyasu Homma, Zeng-Guang Hou, Ivo Bukovsky and Ashu M.G. Solo.
30, 2011: Edited book published
- "Perception-Action
Cycle - Models, Architectures, and Hardware" - V. Cutsuridis, A.
Hussain, J.G. Taylor (Eds.) Springer 2011. A snapshot
and a resumè of the current state-ot-the-art of the ongoing
research avenues concerning the perception -action cycle. The central
aim of the volume is to be an informational resource and a methodology
for constructing and developing models, algorithms and hardware
implementations of autonomous machines empowered with cognitive
29, 2011: Call for Paper - 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Eye
Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI 2011) Beijing
(China) September 18, 2011. Paper submission
May 30, 2011.
21, 2011: Call for Paper - Call for Tutorials and Special Sessions
IEEE Conference on Development and Learning, and Epigenetic
Robotics (IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2011) Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Paper submission
April 11, 2011.
04, 2011: Call for active
contributions - EuCogII-Euron
Workshop on "Challenges, GEM & Benchmarking in Cognitive Systems
and Robotics" Vasteras (Sweden), April 8, 2011.
02, 2011: "IT for a Better
Future - How to integrate Ethics, Politics and Innovation" ETICA project's final event which will
be held on the 31st of March 2011 at the European Parliament, Brussels.
29, 2011: Call for Paper - 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Eye
Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI 2011) Beijing
(China) September 18, 2011. Paper submission
deadline: May 30, 2011.
26, 2011: Call for Paper - 15th International Conference on Advanced
Robotics (ICAR 2011) Tallinn (Estonia) June 20-23, 2011. New paper
deadline (extended):
March 21, 2011
24, 2011: Call for Paper
- International Journal of Social
Robotics - Special Issue on "Expectations, Intentions, and Actions". Paper submission
deadline: April 15, 2011. Guest Editors: Marc
Hanheide, Manja Lohse, Hendrik Zender.
22, 2011: Call for Paper
- Journal of Robotics
- Special Issue on "Advances in Vision
for Autonomous Robots". Paper submission
deadline: June 1, 2011. Guest Editors: Ramon
Lopez de Mantaras, Arnau Ramisa, Shirihari Vasudevan and Kai
June 24, 2010: Software
modules available on EYESHOTS SVN repository (located in Chemnitz).
June 18, 2010: MATLAB and C++ code
for log-polar mapping available on Chemnitz repository.
- April 15, 2010: Call for Paper - International Journal of
Social Robotics.
April 10, 2010: Call for
Contribution - Workshop
Towards Closing the Loop: Active Learning for Robotics (RSS 2010). June
27, 2010. Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. Submission of
extended abstract: May 19, 2010.
April 01, 2010: Call for
Contribution - Workshop
on Learning for Human-Robot Interaction Modeling (RSS 2010). May
10, 2010. Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. Submission ofpaper:
May 19, 2010.
April 01, 2010: Call for Paper - International
Symposium on Learning and Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems (LAB-RS
2010) September 6-7, 2010. Canterbury, UK. Submission of paper:
May 14, 2010.
March 22, 2010: MATLAB-Simulink framework
for vergence and version control in a simulated environment is ready
and tested.
March 17, 2010: Eris Chinellato was
one of the finalists of the Georges Giralt PhD Award for the Best
European Robotics Thesis of 2008,
http://www.euron.org/activities/phdaward and presented his work at the
EUROP/EURON annual meeting in San Sebastian last week whit an audience
of over 200 researchers and industrial participants.
February 02, 2010: Workshop and Call
for Paper - International
Workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous
Robot Systems (ERLARS 2010). August 16, 2010. Lisboa, Portugal.
Submission of paper: May 7, 2010.
January 05, 2010: Workshop and Call
for Poster - Workshop on
Natural Environments Tasks and Intelligence. April 9-11, 2010.
Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building, 108 East Dean Keeton, University
of Texas at Austin, USA. Early registration deadline: February 05,
December 17, 2009: Call for Papers - 19th IEEE International
Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication. September
12-15, 2010. Principe di Piemonte - Viareggio (LU), Italy. Paper
submission deadline: March 01, 2010.
December 12, 2009: Call for Papers - International
Conference on Cognitive and Neural Sciences (ICCNS). Stockholm,
Sweden, August 11-13, 2010. Paper submission deadline: April 30, 2010.
December 08, 2009:
organized by Claudio Galletti on "Neuronal processes of attention and
action and their use in artificial intelligent systems" at the 3rd Mediterranean
Conference of Neuroscience, Alexandria (Egypt), December 14, 2009.
December 01, 2009:
for Papers - IEEE International
Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM). Singapore,
June 28-30, 2010. Paper submission deadline: January 18, 2010.
November 23, 2009:
for Papers - 7th
Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV’10). Ottawa
(Ontario, Canada) May 31- June 2, 2010. Paper submission deadline:
February 8, 2010.
November 17, 2009:
for Papers - From Animals to
Animats: 11th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive
Behavior (SAB’10). Paris (France), August 24-28, 2010. Paper
submission deadline: February 22, 2010. Call for Workshops deadline:
April 1, 2010.
November 16, 2009:
for Papers - IEEE
Trans. on Autonomous Mental Development. Special issue on
"Representations and Architectures for Cognitive Systems". Paper
submission deadline: February 1, 2010. Guest Editors: Giorgio Metta,
Gordon Cheng, Tamin Asfour, Barbara Caputo, and John K. Tsotsos.
November 13, 2009:
Technical Meeting fixed: Milan, 13-14 January 2010.
November 10, 2009:
for Papers - 2nd
International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction. De
Montfort University, Leicester (UK), March 30- April 1, 2010. Paper
submission deadline: January 11, 2010.
November 06, 2009:
European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, Unit E5,
together with the University of Zürich, are currently organizing
the 4th International
Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys’10). The conference
will take place in Zürich on January 27-28, 2010. The idea of this
conference is to gather all EC-funded projects in one place and enable
networking and knowledge exchange. Call for Posters deadline: December
15, 2009.
November 02, 2009:
for Papers - Cognitive
Computation Journal. Special issue on "Saliency, Attention, Active
Visual Search and Picture Scanning". Paper submission deadline:
April 1, 2010. Guest Editors: John G. Taylor and Vassilis Cutsuridis.
September 30,
Call for Papers - Machine
Learning Journal. Special issue on "Empirical Evaluations in
Reinforcement Learning". Paper submission deadline: February 26,
2010. Guest Editors: Shimon Whiteson and Michael Littman.
September 14-18,
2009: 9th
International UJI Robotics School on Visuomotor Interaction, Bonaire
Hotel, Benicàssim (Spain).
September 11,
New Public Deliverables available on-line.
Deliv. 1.2:
Non-visual depth cues and their influence on perception
2.1: Convolutional network for vergence control.
September 01,
2009: Robotic 3D
Scan repository in the web: it might be of interest (ref: Andreas
Nuechter, Jacobs University Bremen).
August 26, 2009:
First IEEE Workshop
on Computer Vision for Humanoid Robots in Real Environments - in
conjunction with ICCV 2009, September 27, 2009, Kyoto (Japan).
August 25, 2009:
for Papers - 3D Stereo MEDIA
Liège (Belgium), December 1-3, 2009 - Paper submission
deadline: October 18, 2009.
July 31, 2009:
for Papers - 2010
Robotics: Science and Systems Conference. Universidad de Zaragoza,
Zaragoza (Spain), June 27-30, 2010 - Abstract submission
deadline: January 15, 2010. Full Paper submission deadline: January 22,
2010. Call for Workshops deadline (preliminary): December 15, 2010.
July 02, 2009:
the call for partecipation to the 9th
September 14-18,2009, Bonaire Hotel, Benicassim, SPAIN
July 01, 2009:
Periodic Meeting fixed: Benicàssim (Spain), 16 September 2009
within the IURS’09
Summer School,
June 30, 2009:
"Eye-Hand Coordination for Reaching in Dorsal Stream Area V6A:
Computational Lessons", by Eris Chinellato, Beata J. Grzyb,
Nicoletta Marzocchi, Annalisa Bosco, Patrizia Fattori and Angel del
Pobil, presented at 3rd International Work-Conference on the Interplay
Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2009, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain, June 22-26, 2009, won the price for the most
promising paper in the "biological topic".
June 08, 2009:
Public Deliverable available on-line.
E. Chinellato, J. B. Grzyb, A. P. del Pobil. Generating visuo-motor
descriptors of reachable objects: Computational approach to the
integration problem [D
March 07, 2009:
Public Deliverable available on-line.
G. Cannata, A. Canessa, M. Chessa, F. Solari, S.P. Sabatini. Binocular
eye coordination and its role in depth vision. [D
March 03, 2009:
Public Deliverable available on-line.
F.H. Hamker and M.A. Voss. Demonstration of learning disparity-tuned
feature selective cells. [D
March 19, 2009:
Call for Paper -
International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoid09). Paris (France),
December 7-10, 2009. Paper submission deadline: June 1, 2009. Workshop
and tutorial submission will open on April 1st, 2009.
March 13, 2009:
Call for Paper -
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR), Special Issue on
"Cognitive Humanoid Vision". Paper submission
deadline: July 1, 2009.
February 23, 2009: Call for Paper - 32nd European Conference on Visual
Perception (ECVP 2009) - Symposium on: "Models of vision and
decision-making: From features to behavior and perceptual robotics" Regensburg (Germany),
August 24-28, 2009. Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2009.
February 23,
Call for Proposal - International
Conference on Adcanced Rodotics (ICAR 2009 ) - Special Session
for presentation of EC funded project Munich (Germany),
June 22-26, 2009. For more information please check http://www.icar2009.org/specialsessions/ Proposal submission
deadline: March 13, 2009.
January 14, 2009:
Call for Paper -
Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial
Computation (IWINAC'09 ) -
Special Session on "Robotics and Neuroscience" Santiago de
Compostela (Spain), June 22-26, 2009. Paper submission deadline:
February 15, 2009.
December 23,
2008: 1st Review Meeting
fixed: Sestri Levante (Genoa), 22 April 2009. Preceded by a half-day
internal meeting on April 21st.
December 22,
2008: Call for Paper -
IEEE Transactions on
Biomedical Engineering Letters, Special Issue on "Biomedical Robotics
and Biomechatronics - BioRob". Paper submission
deadline: February 1, 2009.
December 11,
2008: New PhD student
(Frederik Beuth) working in Fred Hamker’s group in Muester.
December 6, 2008:
New Public
Deliverable available on-line.
Chinellato E., Cervera E., Grzyb B.J., and del Pobil A.P. Merging
perception-related and action-related visual information: description
of integrated representation [D
November 12,
2008: November 12, 2008:
M12 Technical Meeting fixed: Muenster, 9-10 February 2009.
December 22,
2008: Call for Paper -
Special Issue on the “Active Vision of Humanoids” to be
published in the International Journal of Humanoid Research. Paper submission
deadline: November 30, 2008.
July 15, 2008:
Literature Database update. Major additions.
April 27, 2008:
EYESHOTS Literature Database launched.
April 17, 2008:
EYESHOTS web-site launched.
March 20, 2008:
presentation at CogSys 2008 “International Conference on
Cognitive Systems”, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
April 2 - 4, 2008. [link]
December 21,
2007: Kick-off Meeting
fixed: Bologna (Italy), 7-8 March, 2008.
December 21,
2007: EYESHOTS Warm-up
Meeting fixed: Genoa (Italy), 30-31 January, 2008.
 WEBMASTER: Agostino Gibaldi (UG)