The complete directory of the EYESHOTS’ crew [listed alphabetically].
Name | Links | Institution | Position |
Marco Antonelli | mail | UJI | Ph.D. Student |
Frederik Beuth | mail | WWU | Ph.D. Student |
Annalisa Bosco | mail | UNIBO | Graduate Research Fellow |
Rossella Breveglieri | web, mail | UNIBO | Researcher |
Andrea Canessa | mail | UG | Ph.D. Student |
Giorgio Cannata | web, mail | UG | Researcher |
Enric Cervera | web, mail | UJI | Researcher |
Kostantinos Chatzidimitrakis | mail | UNIBO | Temporary Research Fellow |
Manuela Chessa | web, mail | UG | Post Doc |
Eris Chinellato | web, mail | UJI | Researcher |
Nikolay Chumerin | web, mail | K.U.Leuven | Ph.D. Student |
Patrizia Fattori | web, mail | UNIBO | Researcher |
Claudio Galletti | web mail
| UNIBO | Researcher |
Agostino Gibaldi | mail | UG | Ph.D. Student |
Beata Grzyb | web mail
| UJI | Ph.D. student |
Fred Hamker | web, mail1 mail2 | WWU | Researcher |
Katharina Havermann | mail | WWU | Ph.D. Student |
Markus Lappe | web, mail | WWU | Researcher |
Ester Martinez | mail | UJI | Ph.D. student |
Nicoletta Marzocchi | web, mail | UNIBO | Post Doc |
Angel P. del Pobil | web, mail | UJI | Researcher |
Karl Pauwels | web, mail | K.U.Leuven | Postdoc |
Giacomo Placenti | mail | UNIBO | Graduate Research Fellow |
Silvio P. Sabatini | web, mail | UG | Researcher |
Fabio Solari | web, mail | UG | Researcher |
Marc Van Hulle | web, mail | K.U.Leuven | Researcher |
Robert Volcic | mail | WWU | Post Doc |
Mark-Andre Voss | mail | WWU | Ph.D. Student |
Yang Zhang | mail | UG | Ph.D. student |
Eckart Zimmermann | mail | WWU | Ph.D. student |
 WEBMASTER: Agostino Gibaldi (UG)